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After listening to music from different countries and being exposed to different styles of exotic tones, I got a deeper sense of the “Chinese flavor” of music and thus became more conscious of finding the “Chinese flavor”.

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Title: The “Chinese Taste” of Music from a Multicultural Perspective

In this era of increasing globalization, we are fortunate to have access to music from various countries and styles. From wild African drums, to passionate Latin dance music, to heartfelt Indian folk music, we are all enchanted by the music of different countries. However, it is in this rich and colorful musical experience that we have a deeper sense of the “Chinese flavor” of music, and thus more consciously search for the “Chinese flavor”.

In this process, drawing on the musical styles of different countries and understanding their underlying cultural connotations and historical heritage is a great inspiration for us to understand the “Chinese flavor” of music. First, we need to re-examine the tradition of Chinese music. Throughout the millennia of Chinese culture, music, as an important art form, has built a colorful Chinese civilization together with poetry, painting, dance and other forms. From the ancient Yale to modern folk music, Chinese music has both a deep traditional heritage and an innovative modern flavor.

In the wave of globalization, we need to learn to perceive the “Chinese flavor” of music from a multicultural perspective. This means that we must not only respect tradition, but also dare to innovate. In composing Chinese music, we can incorporate musical elements from other countries to make it richer and more diverse. For example, mixing Western orchestral music with Chinese folk music, or combining jazz with Chinese classical music, may result in new and unique musical works.

In addition, we need to pay attention to the emotional elements of the “Chinese flavor” of music. Chinese music works are often full of deep emotions about hometown, family and friendship. We can try to explore the deepest emotional experiences from our personal experiences and convey those sincere and unique Chinese emotions in our musical works. In this way, we will be able to make the “Chinese flavor” of music felt by both domestic and international audiences.

Likewise, we need to focus on the transmission of the “Chinese flavor” of music. In modern society, traditional music culture is at risk of being forgotten. We need to focus on the preservation and transmission of traditional music, so that more young people can understand the charm of Chinese traditional music. This means not only integrating traditional music education into the school system, but also spreading the essence of traditional music to a wider audience through various means, such as music festivals, performances, and lectures. Only in this way can we pass on the “Chinese flavor” of music from generation to generation, serving as a link between the past, the present, and the future.

The “Chinese flavor” of music does not exist in isolation; it is a product of intermingling with the musical styles of other countries. We should dare to try to collide and fuse Chinese music with music styles from all over the world, so that the “Chinese flavor” of music will be more dynamic in the context of globalization. On the road of music, we must be as brave to explore and practice as we are to listen to the music of different countries in order to find our own voice in this diverse world.

Finally, we need to understand that the “Chinese flavor” of music is also a concept of diversity. In different geographical, ethnic, and historical contexts, the “Chinese flavor” of music can take on different characteristics. We should respect this diversity and strive to discover the various Chinese elements in music, so that they can take on a new life in contemporary music creation. Only in this way can we make the “Chinese flavor” of music blossom on the world stage with unique brilliance.

In this multicultural world, we can understand and feel the “Chinese flavor” of music more deeply by listening to the music of different countries and being exposed to different styles of exotic tones. Let us continue to explore the charm of music, discover the “Chinese flavor” of music, let it become a bridge for our cultural exchange, and make our contribution to the prosperity of world music.




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