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In life, people not only pay attention to their own needs, but also often desire to be needed by others in order to reflect their own value. What do you know about this “being needed” mentality?

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生活中,人们不仅关注自身的需要,也时常渴望被他人需要,以体现自己的价值。这种“被需要”的心态普遍存在,对此你有怎样的认识? 请篇文章谈谈你的思考。 要求:(1)自拟题目;(2)不少于800字。


Title: The Value of Being Needed and Self-Realization

In modern society, people are not only concerned about their own needs, but also desire to be needed by others. This “needed” mentality is prevalent in all aspects of life, from work and family to interpersonal relationships. In this article, we will explore the roots of this “needy” mentality, its meaning, and how to deal with it properly.

First, we need to recognize that this “needy” mentality is not entirely negative. From a biological point of view, this mentality may be an inherent part of human genes. In ancient times, competition for survival was fierce, and people needed to work together to fight foreign enemies and natural disasters. In this environment, individuals who were able to provide help and support to others were more likely to gain the trust and reliance of others, thus increasing their chances of survival. Therefore, this “needy” mentality can be seen as a product of human evolution to a certain extent.

From a psychological point of view, people’s desire to be needed is also related to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. According to this theory, human needs can be divided into five levels, from low to high: physiological needs, security needs, social needs, respect needs and self-actualization needs. After satisfying the basic physiological and safety needs, people naturally focus on social and respect needs, and being needed by others is one of the ways to achieve these two needs.

However, this “needy” mentality can also lead to problems. Excessive attention to being needed by others may lead individuals to a state of mind that is overly dependent on the approval and affirmation of others, which can lead to impaired self-esteem and a decreased sense of self-worth. In addition, too much desire to be needed may also make people behave too pandering and flattering in interpersonal relationships, losing their true selves.

So, how to properly deal with this “needy” mentality?

First, we need to face our own needs. Everyone has his or her own needs, which is normal. Acknowledging our needs and trying to meet them is a prerequisite for achieving self-worth and happiness. In this process, we have to learn to balance our own needs and the needs of others, not to overly pursue being needed by others, and not to completely ignore the dependence of others on us.

Second, we need to establish correct self-values. One’s value does not only lie in being needed by others, but also in one’s own abilities, qualities, talents and contributions to society. We need to realize that our value does not depend only on the evaluation of others, but is embedded in our own growth and progress. Therefore, we need to establish independent self-values and not overly pursue the approval of others, but focus on self-improvement and achieving our goals.

Furthermore, we need to learn to build healthy interpersonal relationships. When dealing with others, we should respect the needs of others, but also adhere to our own principles and bottom line. Being needed by others can cause us to lose ourselves in relationships, so we need to learn to find a balance between caring for others and maintaining our independence. Only in this way can we be true to ourselves in interpersonal relationships and build deep friendships and trust.

Finally, we need to pay attention to our own mental health. Excessive desire to be needed by others may lead to psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression. We need to pay attention to our emotions, adjust our mindset in time and learn to relieve stress. In addition, we can also seek professional psychological help in order to better cope with the challenges and problems in life.

In short, the “needed” mentality is common in people’s lives, and it has both positive and problematic aspects. We should face up to this mentality, learn to balance our own needs and the needs of others, establish correct self-values, and pay attention to mental health in order to achieve self-worth and happiness. In the process, we can not only provide help and support to others, but also achieve our own growth and development and make life better.















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