3 minute read


Based on the following material, choose an angle, write an essay of no less than 800 words on your own topic (do not write it as a poem).

  People tend to shed the shimmering light that flashes in their own minds, simply because it is their own. And from the works of geniuses, people recognize the shimmer that had been shed by themselves.

根据以下材料,选取一个角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章(不要写成诗歌)。   人们对自己心灵中闪过的微光,往往会将它舍弃,只因为这是自己的东西。而从天才的作品中,人们却认出了曾被自己舍弃的微光。


Topic: Valuing the inner glimmer and discovering potential talents

In life, we often ignore the flickers of light within us, dismissing them as insignificant ideas. However, it is these ideas that we discard that become the source of great ideas and talented work. In this article, we will explore how to cherish the inner glimmer and learn to discover our potential talent.

First, we need to recognize the immense value of the inner shimmer. Everyone has a myriad of thoughts and ideas inside of them, and these inspirations often stem from our life experiences, feelings and reflections. These inner ember are our unique assets, which not only reflect our personality and talent, but also may inspire us to create even more wonderful works. Therefore, we should learn to cherish our inner thoughts instead of easily discarding them.

To cherish the shimmering light within, we need to develop the following habits:

  1. Listen to your inner self. To discover the inner shimmer, we first need to give ourselves enough attention. We need to learn to listen to our inner voice and pay attention to our thoughts and feelings. In life, we can develop our ability to listen to our inner voice through reflection, meditation, etc.

  2. Record inspiration. When we find the shimmering light within, we should record it in time. You can use tools such as notebooks and cell phones to record your thoughts and ideas at any time. By recording, we can better retain and organize our thinking and avoid valuable inspiration being forgotten.

  3. Be brave to experiment. To cherish the shimmering light within, we cannot stop at the generation of ideas. We have to be brave enough to put it into practice and turn our ideas into actual works. Only through practice can we discover our latent talent and inspire more creativity.

  4. Continuous learning. Discovering the ember within requires us to keep learning and growing. We need to take the initiative to learn new knowledge and skills and improve our overall quality. Through learning, we can better understand and utilize our ideas and bring their potential value into play.

  5. Maintain patience. Discovering the ember within takes time and patience. We have to believe in our own value and potential, overcome all kinds of difficulties and setbacks, and put in consistent efforts. In the process, we need to learn to adjust our mindset, stay positive and optimistic, and believe that our inner ember will eventually illuminate the future.

In addition, we need to cultivate the spirit of teamwork. Sometimes, our inner ember needs the support and help of others to develop. Working with others not only improves your abilities, but also finds a broader stage for your ideas. By sharing our inner ember with others, we can discover more possibilities and achieve greater accomplishments.

Finally, we need to learn to appreciate the genius work of others. As the title suggests, we often recognize in the work of genius the shimmering light that we once surrendered to ourselves. Appreciating the work of others not only stimulates our creativity, but also helps us to better understand our own inner world. In the process of appreciation, we can think about the connection between our own ideas and the works of geniuses, so that we can find our own creative direction and goals.

In conclusion, it is the responsibility and mission of each of us to cherish the shimmering light within and to discover our potential talent. We need to learn to listen to our hearts, record our inspiration, experiment, keep learning, remain patient, and collaborate with others. Through these efforts, we will be able to find our value and direction and create more beautiful works. Let’s start from now, cherish every shimmering light inside ourselves, discover our potential talent, and create more value for ourselves and society.





  1. 倾听自己的内心。要发掘内心的微光,首先需要我们给自己足够的关注。我们要学会倾听自己内心的声音,关注自己的想法和感受。在生活中,我们可以通过反思、冥想等方式,培养自己倾听内心的能力。

  2. 记录灵感。当我们发现内心的微光时,要及时将其记录下来。可以使用笔记本、手机等工具,随时记录自己的想法和创意。通过记录,我们可以更好地保留和整理自己的思考,避免宝贵的灵感被遗忘。

  3. 勇于尝试。要珍视内心的微光,我们不能止步于想法的产生。我们要勇于付诸实践,将想法转化为实际的作品。只有通过实践,我们才能发现自己的潜在天赋,激发更多的创造力。

  4. 持续学习。发掘内心的微光,需要我们不断地学习和成长。我们要主动学习新知识、新技能,提升自己的综合素质。通过学习,我们可以更好地理解和利用自己的想法,发挥其潜在价值。

  5. 保持耐心。发掘内心的微光,需要时间和耐心。我们要相信自己的价值和潜力,克服各种困难和挫折,持续地投入努力。在这个过程中,我们要学会调整心态,保持积极和乐观,相信自己的内心微光终将照亮未来。







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